Wanting (Ghosts Haunting Ghosts) Letra

Massa Nera

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Letra de Wanting (Ghosts Haunting Ghosts)
I found myself slipping away. Cloaked in red with waxen face. A howling void of flesh. Withered and eternal, left to rot beneath my home

From within the obsidian dark I glimpsed faces from my youth, disfigured beyond recognition, speaking in dead tongues. I couldn’t remember who they were. They meant everything to me

You were there too, fading with the rest of them. Suspended above the trees, casting light through sheets of fog as a stellar remnant. I was blind with pity and anger for time moves too quickly

(To think I once believed I could delay the setting sun
What I wouldn't give to reclaim those days)

From behind my mask I called, but you were fading with the rest of them